Contact Retina Center of South Florida
Ophthalmologists in Delray Beach, FL
The friendly staff at Retina Center of South Florida welcomes your inquiry at (561) 499-8830, and we are ready to provide you with answers. Please call our Palm Beach County office to schedule an appointment.
Location & Phone
Phone: (561) 499-8830
Fax: (561) 637-8077
5130 Linton Blvd, F-7
Delray Beach, FL 33484
We are conveniently located at the SW corner of Linton Blvd. and Military Trail in the Palm Court Plaza. Our office is at the southwest corner of the building, on the side facing Delray Medical Center.
Our regular office hours are Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4:45 pm. We will see emergency cases at any time.
If you have a retinal emergency and need to talk to our doctors after our regular hours, please call our office at (561) 499-8830. A doctor is on call 24 hours a day. Your call will be returned promptly.
If you experience a sudden decrease in vision, distortion of vision where straight lines appear wavy, or you notice a blank area in your center or side vision, or if you have any discharge, swelling, or pain in or around the eye, call our office immediately.
At Retina Center of South Florida, we accept most major insurance plans. Please contact your insurance company or call our office at (561) 499-8830 to find out if we accept your insurance plan.
If your insurance plan requires you to pay a co-payment, co-insurance, and/or a deductible, you will need to pay at the time of your visit. For your convenience we accept cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
If you have a question related to your bill or insurance, please contact our billing specialists at (561) 499-8830.
If your insurance is an HMO/managed care plan, and you are required to obtain a referral from your primary care physician, the referral must be obtained before you can be seen for an office visit.
Please coordinate this with your primary care physician in advance. Appointments will be rescheduled if required referrals are not received in the office by the time of your visit.
Doctors at Retina Center of South Florida have hospital affiliations with:
- Delray Medical Center
- Boca Regional Hospital